Chaos Trolls does not have Mark of Chaos Undivided.Diabolic Splendour gives forces enemies re-roll successful Leadership tests.This pretty massive update changes the following: Gorebeast chariots have a 2+ armour save, 125 pts.Hellshriek adds D3 to the result rolled on the miscast table.Kordel Shorgaar's banners makes the unit he joins Unbreakable, not stubborn.Favour of Slaanesh gives the target Immunity (Psychology). Khorne Daemon Princes may take up 100 pts of magic items.Vilitch have the Conjoined Humuncolous power, 380 pts.Sigvald has the Diabolic Splendour and Allure of Slaanesh power, 335 pts.Mantle of Chaos only works against non-magical missile attacks, 55 pts.Fireglaives are polearms instead of spears.Sorcerers may ride in normal Chaos Chariots.Storm Rage removed, is simply Immunity (Lightning Attacks).Will of Chaos is not removed if you take a Mark.Wulfrik hits and wounds on a 2+ in challenges.Archaon must re-roll results of 1-2 on the Eye of the Gods table.Crom may upgrade marauders to elite marauders without any restrictions, but they may not be given Marks.Mark of Khorne for Skin Wolves gives Strength Bonus (1) when charging.